Feb 27, 2022Liked by Occupy the Fed Movement

Great article. Thanks for the work you're are doing.

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Mar 13, 2022Liked by Occupy the Fed Movement

Great article. only the elites in high finance care and understand about this stuff. We need to make it more understandable and appreciate by everyday Americans. Have you heard of Bankless? I think this may be a beneficial match. They have a strong vibrant crypto community rooted in distrust of the current financial system and self sovereignty. https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/

Let me know if you need connections.

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How do these megabanks have the liquidity to repurchase the collateral when the repo comes due? If the cash they got from the FED is used for whatever issue they needed the repo for in the first place, where do they get the trillions to repurchase the collateral given to the FED?

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